
EuroGirlsEscort Review
โ Hot, sexy escorts
โ Private receptions & massage
โ Easy to navigate
โ Many regions available
โ Few price information
Score 72/100
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#1. EuroGirlsEscort Alternative
ย ย One would think that this escort site will include just escorts that are euro minded, I mean escorts that are money oriented. If this is the case here at Eurogirlsescort, I hope these euro girls understand that they will have to make us feel like VIPs, especially our little man since they will be keeping us both companies.
ย ย Well, I might be wrong, but itโs not my fault that the URLโs name gives a different impression. Just so we are sure that we are not judging a book by its cover, letโs go on this site review journey together.
ย ย This French escort site is introducing us to the escorts of Eurogirlsescort, and itโs time to go back to our French lesson notes for a brush-up so we can freely enjoy the goodness of this site.
The Homepage Smells Like Euros
ย ย I would like to believe that just as my mouth would taste and smell like lavender after having a cunt or coochie for breakfast, the homepage of eurogirlsescort will smell like euro.
ย ย Eurogirlsescort homepage is quite the fancy one, and the interface gives a relaxing vibe, more like it is welcoming you in peace to witness the coming together of cunts and titties. The homepage is covered in attractive colors that seem sexually appealing, to top this, photos of escorts here seem to be on a splurge, quality photos at that.
ย ย Just as the major highlight of your body is your cock because of the wonders it can perform with Alice in Wonderland, the major highlight here is the many language options, seven of them and there is also an option for Google translate just in case you are the type that missed language lessons in school.
ย ย The same way you would claim your territory with your cock in the cunt of a belle is the same way youโll assume your position on Eurogirlsescort by either logging in or signing up.
ย ย The menu button which sits pretty like a cunt waiting to experience orgasm, has different categories hidden under it such as; girls, clubs, trans boys, independent, blacklist, videos, and FAQ button for those who might need directions from the neck to the belly button, and others.
ย ย A country and city button also exists that allows you to filter your preferred country and city, with this, you can filter escorts in your preferred location. For those of you who love to search for the soft spots of ladies, the search button is for you. Get accustomed to it and know how to search for your preferred escort category.
ย ย There are several categories of services to choose from, such as escorts now, sex cams, live escorts, etc. Each of these categories when clicked on takes you to a third-party page, it basically serves as an ad.
ย ย There is a filter button below these ads that allows you to filter categories such as; hair, age, filter, weight, size, services, new arrivals, and many more, too numerous to mention.
ย ย And now to the business of the day, the escorts of eurogirlsescort. Profile thumbnails of these escorts are shown, each having the name and location of the escort, and also a VIP tag, as well as a verified tag for escorts that fall into that category.
ย ย There is quite a number of these escorts here, and just like a clean and nice looking pussy, the photos scream quality, and just to prove that there are so many options to choose from, at the end of the profile thumbnails is a load more button. So many to choose from.
ย ย There are several countries listed on the left side of the page, the first category of countries is the European countries, then the next category of countries are countries from the whole world. A tap on any of these countries takes you to the homepage of escorts from the country.
ย ย The next thing youโll notice are ad banners, many of them, on the left and right side of the page. It gives the homepage quite a colorful look. Finally, you get to see a blog post about Eurogirlsescort at the bottom of the page.
ย ย The homepage is quite simple and easy to navigate, with tons of escort profiles and colorful too.
The Profile of the Euro Girls
ย ย Iโm sure the escorts here are not just known for their love for euros, but also their expensive cunts and titties, as well as the services they render. Aside from having a verified and VIP tag, escorts who have videos in their profile have a video tag in blue.
ย ย Clicking on the profile thumbnail of any escort takes you to the homepage of the escortโs profile where you get to see more photos of the escorts, and a video for those who have videos attached to their profiles. The landing page shows you a high-quality picture of the escort which is very attractive.
ย ย There is also a short description of the escort, that describes the escort by stating a few information about the escort. Other information such as; age, name, location, nationality, size, chest size, hair color and length, etc are also made known. You also get to see their contact information, work time, and the services they render.
The Eurogirls Rates
ย ย Since we already know how much these escorts love the Euro, we might just check out what their rates are.
ย ย Monika, is 20 and hails from Ukraine, she is a sexy brunette with big breasts and a beautiful pussy, she says she loves that she can give out pleasure, and she charges 180 euro per hour. This equates to $189.
What I thinks of Eurogirlsescort
ย ย Not all escorts have a rate attached to their bios, which is quite frustrating, but aside from this, eurogirlsescort is a great escort site.